Resource Library

Gendered Lives

Communication’ Gender’ and Culture

Author : Wood, Julia T.

Publisher: Thomson Wadsworth

Place of Publish: Canada

Year: 2007

Page Numbers: 376

Acc. No: 4483

Class No: 305.4 WOO

Category: Books & Reports

Subjects: Gender and Women

Type of Resource: Monograph

Languages: English

ISBN: 13:978-0-495-00654-1

“Gendered Lives” introduces students to theories, research, and pragmatic information that demonstrate the multiple and often interactive ways in which our views of masculinity and femininity are shaped within contemporary culture. With the most up-to-date research, balanced perspectives of masculinity and femininity, a personal introduction to the field, and a conversational first-person writing style, “Gendered Lives” provides students with an engaging text that encourages them to think critically about gender and our society. The author challenges students to consider how their views of men and women affect how they communicate and how they live their lives. The book also discusses relational aggression by girls, also called “girl bullying”.