Resource Library

Introductory Module: An Invitation to a Partnership of Learning

Distance Education for Public Servants

Author : Fernando, Lloyd

Page Numbers: 15 ; Annexes

Acc. No: 2199

Class No: 374 FER-SL

Category: Books & Reports

Subjects: Education

Type of Resource: Report

Languages: English

This document highlights the advantages of distance education for public servants. In distance education there are no classrooms and no lecturers. The course is conducted by printed material as well as multimedia. However distance education does not exclude group learning through discussion and workshop exercises. The objective of group learning is to: 1) encourage participants to maintain the momentum of learning, b) facilitate better absorption of the subject matter contained in the course modules and c) examine the relevant and practical implications of the course content with a view to promoting policy and institutional changes in the public service. The document sets out the various modules and the target group it covers. This programme expects to cover 170,000 public servants performing administrative functions, including secretaries of ministries and provincial councils, district and divisional secretaries, heads of departments, other executive grade officers, clerical and allied grades and minor employees. The document sets out the methodology adopted in preparing the programme to meet the various individuals.