Resource Library

Literature on Impact Monitoring, Monitoring and Evaluation, Impact Assessment, Participatory Methodology

Publisher: Asian Development Bank

Acc. No: 116-V

Class No: 333

Category: Videos

Subjects: Land economics

Languages: English

This includes literature on Impact Monitoring, Monitoring and Evaluation, Impact Assessment and Participatory Methodology. By ADB, Berghof Foundation, BMZ, CDAINC, CDR, CDS, CGAP, CIDA, CSDG UK, DANIDA, DeGEVAL, DEZA, DFID, EDIAIS, EIARD, ELDIS, EU, FAO, FES, GDI DIE, GTZ, IADB, IDRC, IDS, IFAD, International Alert, INTRAC, InWENT, KfW, Methodfinder, Misereor, ODI, OECD, OSI, Other Institutions, Sage, SWP, UN, UNDP, UNHCR, UNICEF, UNPFA, USAID, VENRO, WB.