Resource Library

Malaria in Sri Lanka

Current Knowledge on Transmission and Control

Author : Konradsen, F. and Amerasinghe, F.P. et al.

Publisher: International Water Management Institute (IWMI)

Place of Publish: Sri Lanka, Colombo

Year: 2000

Page Numbers: 77

Acc. No: 2931

Class No: 610 KON-SL

Category: Books & Reports

Subjects: Health

Type of Resource: Monograph

Languages: English

ISBN: 92-9090-406-2

It is now generally accepted that measures for malaria control must be based onthe localepidemiological and transmission patterns using the right combination of methods at theright place, at the right time. Many of the studies done in Sri Lanka are of high scientificquality and can form the basis for the adaptation of the global malaria-control strategy tothe Sri Lankan situation. Thetext focuses on the current state of knowledge on transmission, epidemiology, and controland does not cover clinical aspects, including the treatment of severe and complicatedmalarial disease. The present review includesa broad range of published literature ofrelevance for a description of malaria in Sri Lanka,including the control aspects of the disease. Based on the literature examined, a generaloverview of the status of research in Sri Lanka is given and areas where knowledge islacking and further studies are required, are identified. Many ofthe published papers, on which this text is based,focus on Kataragama in the southeast of the country where the Malaria Research Unitof the University of Colombo has been doing research since the mid-1980s. The authorshave also drawn heavily on their own work in the northern dry zone, especially in theAnuradhapura District and in System C ofthe Mahaweli Development Project located inthe northeast ofthe country.