Resource Library

Managing Corporate Change

Author : Doppler, Klaus and Lauterburg, Christoph

Publisher: Springer

Place of Publish: Germany, Berlin

Year: 2001

Page Numbers: 348

Acc. No: 1226

Class No: 658 DOP

Category: Books & Reports

Subjects: Management

Type of Resource: Monograph

Languages: English

ISBN: 3-540-67903-0

This is the first book of its kind that demonstrates in concrete terms, and with plenty of specific examples, how the changesthat companies go through, are best carried out. The examples included are based on practical work and designed to be put into practice. The main section of the book provides the tools needed to do this. The authors have provided quick summaries under topics about which little of practical value as yet been published as well as topics about which the practical manager would otherwise have to plough through whole books.