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Poverty Development and Well being

Ethical Challenges

Author : Mahat, I.

Year: 2008

Acc. No: 403-S

Category: Soft Documents

Type of Resource: Wellbeing, Poverty, Development, Millennium development goals, Poverty reduction, Insecurity

ISBN: English

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Poverty is often seen as having low income and inability to access standardized services for living. However, poverty measures have failed to measure the deprivations which are more detrimental in achieving the human freedom and thereby their well being. Accordingly, development goal is intended to achieve the benefit that are materially sufficient and disregards the resources which are intrinsically important. Individual's intrinsic capabilities are often undermined that function for their overall well being. The challenges are then to increase the capabilities of the people with adequate freedom and choices that enable them to enjoy the positive state of life that hey value.