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Review of the DAC Principles for Evaluation of Development Assistance

Publisher: Organization for Economic Co-Operation and Development

Place of Publish: Paris

Year: 1998

Acc. No: 649-S

Category: Soft Documents

Type of Resource: Development assistance, Evaluation, Aid evaluation, Decentralisation, Credibility

Languages: No

ISBN: English

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This report illustrates the findings of the reviews undertaken in Phase I and II and provides the conclusions and recommendations. For the most part, it is concerned with the work of central evaluation offices. The review was conducted in two phases, the first completed in late 1996 and the second in 1998. Phase I examined the implementation and use of the Principles to appraise the degree of “compliance or non-compliance”, and to assess their impact, usefulness and relevance. The review was based on a questionnaire addressed to those responsible for central evaluation units. Sixteen bilateral Members and six multilateral observers responded to the questionnaire. Phase II reviewed experience of the users of evaluations and was based on a survey of users including recipient countries. It also provided an opportunity for observations on decentralised evaluations. Fifteen bilateral Members and five multilateral observers participated in this phase.