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2005 | View More »

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1996 | View More »

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Market-Based Incentives and Residential Municipal Solid Waste

Miranda, M.L, Everett, J.W., Blume, D., & Roy, B.A.

1994 | View More »

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The Ecology and Economics of Storage in Plants

Stuart Chapin III, F., Ernst-Detlef , S., & Mooney, H.A.

1990 | View More »

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Dynamics of Waste Accumulation

Disposal Versus Recycling

Smith, V.I.

1972 | View More »

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Nutrition and The Environment

Johns, T., and Eyzaguirre, P.B.

2002 | View More »

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2011 | View More »

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2010 | View More »

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Education Participation in Sri Lanka

Why All Are Not in School

Arunatilake, N.

| View More »

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The Pearl of Great Price

Achieving Equitable Access to Primary and Secondary Education and Enhancing Learning in Sri Lanka

Aturupane, H.

2009 | View More »

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Inter Sectoral Study on Education & Health

Health for Education: A Study of Non-School Determinants of Learning Achievement of Grade 4 Students in Sri Lanka

De Silva, N., Perera, L., Gunetilleke, N. et al.

2005 | View More »

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