Resource Library

Ideas For Development

Chambers R.

2005 | View More »

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Women's Leadership in Risk-Resilient Development 2015

Good Practices and Lessons Learned

2015 | View More »

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Global Assessment Report on Disaster Risk Reduction 2015

The Pocket GAR 2015. Making Development Sustainable: The Future of Disaster Risk Management

2015 | View More »

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Beyond Apologies

Defining and Achieving an Economics of Wellbeing: Summary

Efroymson D.

2013 | View More »

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Millennium Development Goals

Sri Lanka's Progress and Key Achievements

| View More »

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Delivering Inclusive and Sustainable Development. Inaugural Conference New Delhi 2012

2012 | View More »

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Occasional Papers

2012 | View More »

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(Apata Galapena Aarthika Kramaweda)

Samarajeewa, R. and Amaratunga, C.J.

2012 | View More »

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Twenty Years of Make-Believe

Sri Lanka's Commissions of Inquiry

2009 | View More »

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Social Media and Elections in Asia-Pacific

The Growing Power of the Youth Vote

2013 | View More »

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Thematic Briefs Migration

Policy Responses to a Changing Labour Migration

Munas, M. and Najab, N.

2014 | View More »

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