Resource Library

Peace and Reconciliation

Marga Institute

2003 | View More »

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Program Document

DRC Sri Lanka 2000-2003

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Sri Lanka,s Vicious circle of Displacement

Seneviratne, H. L and Stavropoulou, Maria

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Strategic Programme Document

DRC Sri Lanka 2001-2005

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Guiding Principles on Internal Displacement

A Toolkit for Dissemination, Advocacy, and Analysis

Consortium of Humanitarian Agencies (CHA)

2001 | View More »

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Internal Displacement in Sri Lanka

Contribution to the IDP Project of the Norwegian Refugee Council

2000 | View More »

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Choosing Rice Over Risk

Rights, Resettlement and Displaced Women

Elek, Sophia

2003 | View More »

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The Sixth Genre: Memory, History and the Tamil Diaspora Imagination

A History of Ethnic Conflict in Sri Lanka: Recollection, Reinterpretation and Reconciliation

Cheran, R.

2001 | View More »

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2001 | View More »

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2001 | View More »

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2001 | View More »

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Landscapes of Malaiyaha Tamil Identity

A History of Ethnic Conflict in Sri Lanka: Recollection, Reinterpretation and Reconciliation

Bass, Daniel

2001 | View More »

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Tamil Nationalism

Nesiah, Devanesan

2001 | View More »

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Entrepreneurship in the North East of Sri Lanka

An Institutionalist Perspective on Economic Development in a Conflict Region

Starmanns, Mark and Branun, Boris

2003 | View More »

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