Resource Library

2008 | View More »

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The Making of the System of Higher Education in Sri Lanka

The Evaluation Study

Waranapala, Wiswa

2011 | View More »

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Higher Education Policy in Sri Lanka

New Perspectives and Change

Waranapala, Wiswa

2009 | View More »

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Designing and Conducting Mixed Methods Research

Creswell, J.W. and Clark, V.L.P.

2011 | View More »

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Research Methodology

Mustafa, A.

2010 | View More »

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Sanvardana Samaja Vidyava (Development Sociology)

Handaragama, Saman and Rasnayake, Susantha

2011 | View More »

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Statistical Hand Book 2002

Batticaloa District

2002 | View More »

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Statistical Hand Book 2007

Batticaloa District

2007 | View More »

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Statistical Hand Book 2006/2007

Batticaloa District

2007 | View More »

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Statistical Hand Book 2004

Batticaloa District

2004 | View More »

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River Sand Mining - Boon or Bane?

A Synopsis of a Series of National, Provincial and Local Level Dialogues on Unregulated / Illicit River Sand Mining

2008 | View More »

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Transforming School Education in Sri Lanka

From Cut Stones to Polished Jewels

2011 | View More »

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Sri Lanka State of the Economy 2011

Post-Conflict Growth: Making It Inclusive

2011 | View More »

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Evaluating Social Funds

A Cross-Country Analysis of Community Investments

Rawlings, L.B. and Sherburne-Benz, Lynne et al.

2004 | View More »

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Challenging the Professions

Frontiers for Rural Development

Chambers, R.

1993 | View More »

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