Resource Library

Economic Review

Goliya Mulaya Arbudaya-( Global Financial Crisis )

2009 | View More »

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Economic Review

Banking Industry - Some Aspects Of Current Importance

2011 | View More »

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Economic Review

Banku Karmanthaya Kalinava Vedagath Shestra - ( Banking Industry - Some Aspects of Current Importance )

2011 | View More »

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Economic Review

Exchange Rate as a Policy Instrument

2012 | View More »

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Evaluation for Change

Proceeding - Part 1

2013 | View More »

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Evaluation and Civil Society

Stakeholders, Perspectives on National Evaluation Capacity Development

2013 | View More »

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Voluntary Organizations for Professional Evaluation (VOPEs)

Learning from Africa, America, Asia, Australasia, Europe and Middle East

2013 | View More »

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Evaluating Communication for Development

A Framework for Social Change

Lennie, June and Tacchi, Jo

2013 | View More »

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How to Design and Manage Equity-Focused Evaluations

Bamberger, Michael and Segone, Marco

2011 | View More »

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Methodological Thinking

Basic Principles of Social Research Design

Loseke, Donileen R.

2012 | View More »

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The Bedford Guide

For College Writers with Reader, Research Manual, and Handbook

Kennedy, X.J and Kennedy, Dorothy M

2008 | View More »

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Evaluation-an Essential Element in the Development Process

Report of the International Conference, Held 22nd - 23rd March, 2007

2007 | View More »

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Making Evaluations Matter

A Practical Guide for Evaluators

Kusters, C. and Vugt, S. et al.

2011 | View More »

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The Making of the System of Higher Education in Sri Lanka

The Evaluation Study

Waranapala, Wiswa

2011 | View More »

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Designing and Conducting Mixed Methods Research

Creswell, J.W. and Clark, V.L.P.

2011 | View More »

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Impact Evaluation and Interventions to Address Climate Change

A Scoping Study

Prowse, M. and Snilstveit, B.

2009 | View More »

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Evaluating Social Funds

A Cross-Country Analysis of Community Investments

Rawlings, L.B. and Sherburne-Benz, Lynne et al.

2004 | View More »

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