Resource Library

Feasibility Study

A Community Managed Bus Project – Kosgala – Ratnapura

Ratnaweera Banda, R.M.

1996 | View More »

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Promoting Pro-Poor Transport Policies and Action in Sri Lanka

Lanka Forum on Rural Transport Development

2005 | View More »

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Promoting Pro-Poor Transport Policies and Action in Sri Lanka

Lanka Forum on Rural Transport Development

2005 | View More »

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Reasons for Reviving Rural Roads

Workshop on the Role of Civil Society in Promoting Rural Transport Policies for Poverty Reduction

Kumarage, Amal S.

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Current Transport Policy Review and Its Impact on Poverty Reduction: Special Emphasis on Rural Transportation

Workshop on the Role of Civil Society in Promoting Rural Transport Policies for Poverty Reduction

Jayaweera, Don S.

2002 | View More »

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How Transport Infrastructure Development Affects Livlihoods of Rural People

A Case Study Conducted in a Costal Village of Southern Sri lanka

Banda, R.M.Ranaweera

0 | View More »

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Recommendations from the Workshop on Importance of Rural Transport for Poverty Alleviation

Workshop on the Role of Civil Society in Promoting Rural Transport Policies for Poverty Reduction

Sahabandu, M.J.

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