Resource Library

Sri Lanka

Peace without Process

2006 | View More »

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Towards a National Drug Policy

Sri Lankan Perspective

Jayasuriya, D.C.

2005 | View More »

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Selected Issues in Child Vulnerability in Sri Lanka

Research Findings from the Inter-University Research Training Program

2008 | View More »

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Sri Lanka: ,Good Practice, in Expanding Health Care Coverage

Rannan-Eliya, Ravi and Sikurajapathy, L.

2009 | View More »

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Our Common Heritage?

Farmers, Rights to Plant Genetic Resources in Sri Lanka

2007 | View More »

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The Welfare Impact of Rural Electrification

A Reassessment of the Costs and Benefits. An IEG Impact Evaluation

2008 | View More »

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Bridging the Gap

The Role of Monitoring and Evaluation in Evidence-Based Policy Making

2009 | View More »

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Country-Led Monitoring and Evaluation Systems

Better Evidence, Better Policies, Better Development Results

Adrien, Marie-Helene and Baer, Petteri et al.

2009 | View More »

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Generation of Change: Young People and Culture

Youth Supplement : State of World Population 2008

2008 | View More »

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2000 | View More »

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Mahajana Sanniwedana Prathipaththiya (Youth Risk Behaviour)

Thorathuru Anawaranaya Kireema Ha Huwamaru Kireema

2005 | View More »

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Youth Risk Behaviour

Conflict, Disaster and Other Social Factors

2008 | View More »

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Child Rights Situation Analysis Sri Lanka

A Secondary Data Review part 1

2006 | View More »

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2006 | View More »

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Mistaking Politics for Governance

The Politics of Interim Arrangements in Sri Lanka 2002-2005

Rainford, Charan and Satkunanathan, A.

2009 | View More »

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