Resource Library

Prajathanthrawadaye Mulikanga

Mayor, T. and Dahal, D.

2009 | View More »

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2009 | View More »

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In the Maze of Displacement

Conflict, Migration and Change

Shanmugaratnam, N.

2003 | View More »

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Peace through Profit

Sri Lankan Perspectives on Corporate Social Responsibility

2005 | View More »

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The Separatist Conflict in Sri Lanka

Terrorism, Ethnicity, Political Economy

Bandarage, Asoka

2009 | View More »

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Political and Social Exclusion of Youth in Sri Lanka

Amarasuriya, Harini and Hettige, S.T.

2009 | View More »

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Gender and Green Governance

The Political Economy of Women,s Presence within and beyond Community Forestry

Agarwal, Bina

2010 | View More »

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Accelerating Action Against Child Labour

Global Report Under the Follow-Up to the ILO Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work, 2010

2010 | View More »

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Power and Politics in the Shadow of Sri Lanka,s Armed Conflict

Bastian, Sunil and Uyangoda, Jayadeva et al.

2010 | View More »

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2008 | View More »

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Human Rights Commission

National Disability Rights Conference 22-23 February 2008

2006 | View More »

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The Political and Social Economy of Care in a Development Context

Conceptual Issues, Research Questions and Policy Options

Shahra, Razavi

2007 | View More »

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Rights of Women in Relation to Marriage

Facilitating Fulfilment of State Obligations to Women’s Equality

| View More »

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Manawa Himikam Pahana

Fernando, B.

2007 | View More »

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Moving Out of Poverty

Rising from the Ashes of Conflict

2010 | View More »

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Targeting and Distribution of Post-Disaster Aid

A Case of the Fishery Sector in Post-Tsunami Sri Lanka

Gunawardena, A.

2010 | View More »

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