Resource Library

Forced Migration Review

Tsunami: Learning from the Humanitarian Response.

2005 | View More »

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Forced Migration Review

Armed Non-State Actors and Displacement

2011 | View More »

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Economic Review

Population Ageing Dimensions Of An Emerging Issue

1999 | View More »

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Economic Review

Janagahanaya Viyapathveema- ( Ageing Of Population- An Emerging Issue )

2008 | View More »

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Economic Review

Ageing of Population- An Emerging Issue

2008 | View More »

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Economic Review

Water & Development

2009 | View More »

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Economic Review

Jalaya Saha Sangvardanaya - ( Water & Development )

2009 | View More »

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Economic Review

New World Order

2011 | View More »

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Economic Review

Understanding Development: Economic Growth and Other Perspectives CEPA (Centre for Poverty Analysis)

2012 | View More »

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Economic Review

Female Participation In the Economy

2012 | View More »

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Branding the Migrant

Arguments of Rights, Welfare and Security

Ghosh, Atig

2013 | View More »

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Passage to India

Migration as a Coping Strategy in Times of Crisis in Nepal

2008 | View More »

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Sri Lanka Demographic Transition

Facing the Challenges of an Aging Population with Few Resources

2012 | View More »

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Sociology in Our Times

The Essentials - Fifth Edition

Kendall, Diana

2006 | View More »

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Why Nations Fail

The Origins of Power, Prosperity, and Poverty

Acemoglu, Daron and Robinson, A. James

2012 | View More »

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Human Development Report 2013

The Rise of the South: Human Progree in a Diverse World

Khalid, Malik

2013 | View More »

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