Resource Library

The Alternatives Socialism or Barbarism

Collected Writings of G. V. S. De Silva

De Silva, G. V. S.

1988 | View More »

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Monitoring and Evaluating Social Programs in Developing Countries

A Handbook for Policymakers, Managers, and Researchers

1994 | View More »

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People,s Response to Regaining Sri Lanka and Needs Assessments

Towards a Genuinely People-Owned Process for Peace, Reconstruction and Dustainable Development

2003 | View More »

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Social Impact Analysis of Poverty Alleviation Programme and Projects

A Contribution to the Debate on the Methodology of Valuation in Development Cooperation

Neubert, Susanne

1999 | View More »

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Social Research Methods

Qualitative and Quantitative Approaches

W. Lawrence Neuman

1997 | View More »

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Non Government Organisations in Sri Lanka

An Introduction

Fernando, Vijita and De Mel, J.Henry

1991 | View More »

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Fourth Generation Evaluation

Guba, Egon G. and Lincoln, Yvonna S.

1989 | View More »

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How to Measure Performance and Use Tests

Morris, Lynn Lyons and Fitz-Gibbon, Carol Taylor et al.

1987 | View More »

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1987 | View More »

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1999 | View More »

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Caste Conflict and Elite Formation

The Rise of a Karava Elite in Sri Lanka 1500-1931

Robert, Michael

1995 | View More »

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Local Institutional Development

An Analytical Sourcebook with Cases

Uphoff, N.T.

1986 | View More »

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Democracy in Nigeria

Continuing Dialogue(s) for Nation-Building

2001 | View More »

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Nutrition Health and Child Development

Research Advances and Policy Recommendations

1998 | View More »

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2003 | View More »

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Impact of Development Cooperation in Conflict Situations

Cross-Section Report on Evaluations of German Development Cooperation in Six Countries

Klingebiel, Stephan

1999 | View More »

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Assessing Conflict Risks in Southern Sri Lanka

Final Draft

Mayer, Markus, Thangarajah, Yuvi and Emmanuel, Sarala et al.

0 | View More »

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2002 | View More »

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Local Capacities for Peace Project

The Implications of Do No Harm for Donors and Aid Agency Headquarters

Anderson, M.B.

2002 | View More »

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