Resource Library

Energy and Poverty in Bangladesh

Challenges and the Way Forward

2007 | View More »

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2008 | View More »

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Indian Development

Selected Regional Perspectives

Dreze, J. and Sen, A.

1997 | View More »

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Assessing Aid

What Works, What Doesn’t, and Why?

1998 | View More »

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Resource Abundance and Economic Development

Improving the Performance of Resource-Rich Countries

Auty, Richard M.

1998 | View More »

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An Introduction to Road Funds

A Conceptual Case Study for Sri Lanka

Kumarage, A.S. And Connors, G.

2001 | View More »

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Coastal Dynamic Lowlands

The Role of Water in the Development of the Netherlands: Past, Present, Future

1998 | View More »

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Jeewa Wayuwa Pariharanayata Upades

Munasinghe, Sanjeewanie

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Gender Dimensions in Disaster Management

A Guide for South Asia

Ariyabandu, M.M. and Wikramasinghe, M.

2003 | View More »

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2006 | View More »

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Asia Regional Ministerial Conference

Governance for Sustainable Growth and Equity

1996 | View More »

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Research Convention 2005: Research for Sustainable Reforms in Vocational Training

Jathika Tharuna Sewa Sabawe Pariganaka Diploma Patamalawa Awasan Kala Diplomadareenge Aathdakeem Asuren Ema Patamalawe Sanwardanaya Sandaha Yojana Idiripath Kireema Pinisa Nimakala Sewum Adyayanayak

2004 | View More »

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