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A Study on Parental Disciplinary Practices and An Awareness Program to Reduce Corporal Punishment and Other Forms of Negative Parental Practices

Part - 1

Author : Zoysa, Piyanjali de

Page Numbers: 50

Acc. No: 4323

Category: Books & Reports

Type of Resource: Monograph

Languages: English

This study was carried out with a group of community of parents living in the Colombo district with the purpose of understanding the methods parents use to discipline their children mainly focusing corporal punishment and physical abuse. This research highlight that most parents use corporal punishment as a disciplinary measure. The study also highlights parental use of psychological aggression and non-violent disciplining strategies on their children. The data has been collected through a group of parents with the aim of educating the community to prevent using corporal punishment and physical abuse but presenting different ways of controlling children. The research recommendations suggest that non violent methods should be used to discipline children.