Author : Centre for Poverty Analysis’ Sri Lanka’ Think Tank Initiative’ Canada et al.
Publisher: Ahmad’ A.
Place of Publish: Pakistan’ Lahore
Year: 2015
Page Numbers: 192
Acc. No: 4531
Class No: 338.9 ACT
Category: Books & Reports
Subjects: Development
Type of Resource: Monograph
Languages: English
ISBN: ISBN-10: 969-35-2756-9 ISBN-13: 978-969-352756-
Think-tanks offer an important medium to guide the policy making process in the country and hence should also pursue organizational capacity building in-house.Policy research organizations, or think tanks, undertake research, analysis and engagement on a wide range of topics as diverse as poverty alleviation, budgetary analysis, institutional governance and social inclusion. Their work enables both policymakers and the public at large to make informed policy decisions. Worldwide, the number of think tanks is steadily increasing. Evidence also suggests that think tanks are having an ever greater influence on policy-making in many countries, so the credibility and quality of their research is hugely important for their reputation. In 2010, five think tanks supported by the Think Tank Initiative in Africa, Asia and Latin America embarked on a journey of organizational capacity building. Using action research as their navigational and motivational tool, they shared a common vision - to strengthen their institutions, and the quality of their research efforts. This book tells the stories, in their own words, of the organizational and processes changes that took place, the challenges and successes encountered, and the lessons learned along the way.