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Child Poverty in Sri Lanka

Author : Remnant, Fiona and Abdul Cader, Azra et al.

Publisher: Centre for Poverty Analysis (CEPA)

Place of Publish: Sri Lanka, Colombo

Year: 2008

Page Numbers: 23

Acc. No: 3307

Class No: 305.23 REM-SL

Category: Books & Reports

Subjects: Children

Type of Resource: Monograph

Languages: English

ISBN: 978-955-1040-47-5

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This publication is part of a series of Poverty Briefs which were produced by the Center for Poverty Analysis (CEPA) for OXFAM Great Britain. This particular brief is based on a literature review entitled ‘The Multiple Dimensions of Poverty in Sri Lanka by Fiona Remnant and Azra Abdul Cader of CEPA. It aims to provide an in-depth understanding of child poverty in Sri Lanka by summarizing the major findings from this literature review. Child poverty in relation to health, nutrition, education, armed conflict, child abuse and the like are examined in this volume.