Resource Library

Future Shock

Author : Toffler, A.

Publisher: Pan Books Ltd.

Place of Publish: United Kingdom,London

Year: 1971

Page Numbers: 517

Acc. No: 4540

Class No: 338.9 TOF

Category: Books & Reports

Subjects: Development

Type of Resource: Monograph

Languages: English

ISBN: 0-330-02861-8

This book examines the effects of rapid industrial and technological changes upon the individual, the family, and society. Here Toffler speaks of a "Future Shock" in which people are not able to adjust to the quickening pace of society due to technological change. It discusses change and what happens to people; how they do and don't adapt. Massive changes result in stress and disorientation, especially when these changes take place in a short period of time. Man must cope with these changes and Toffler's point is that there isn't much known about the mechanisms for coping and adaptability. Toffler attempts to study these mechanisms in the book. The Author's point is that the tactics of the past will not be successful in the future. If future shock is to be avoided, the society must control the accelerating thrust and make plans for the future and the changes it will bring. There should be studies of the different scenarios that might exist in the future and the effects these scenarios will have on values and lifestyles. Different models and simulations allow people to study future scenarios and to try out different lifestyles. Without some kind of preparation and control, society will not be able to deal with the future and will suffer from future shock. It is not necessary for future shock to take place if the proper measures are taken. A large portion of the book is devoted to the study of relationships, with the five major kinds of relationships being defined and discussed. The result of change is a shortening of the different relationship with a shift from permanence to impermanence. Relationships are now characterized by transience. This causes a change in values and places a greater strain on man to adopt.