Resource Library

Poverty Sectoral Programmes Study

The Janasaviya Programme

Author : Wanigaratne, Ranjith D.

Year: 1996

Page Numbers: 52 ; Annexes

Acc. No: 2417

Class No: 339.46 WAN-SL

Category: Books & Reports

Subjects: Poverty

Type of Resource: Report

Languages: English

The conceptual base of the Janasaviya lies in a report by a High Level Committee of officials on Poverty Alleviation and its further elucidation in the United National Party manifesto of 1988, titled ‘A New Vision: A New Deal.’ The documents promoted the establishments of a path of people-based development for overall alleviation of poverty. Such a path was expected to create a suitable economic and institutional environment, which will facilitate people, particularly the poor, to realise and utilize their potential for self-betterment rather than continuing to be wards of the state. This paper is a review of the Janasaviya programme.