Resource Library

Review of Data and Data Sources to Monitor Poverty in Sri Lanka

Author : Tudawe, Indra

Publisher: Institute of Policy Studies (IPS)

Place of Publish: Sri Lanka, Colombo

Year: 1999

Page Numbers: 40

Acc. No: 705

Class No: 339.46 TUD - SL

Category: Books & Reports

Subjects: Poverty

Type of Resource: Monograph

This review attempts to assess and monitor poverty in Sri Lanka in a systematic manner is a recent activity spanning over two decades. The gain in momentum for information for the purposes of anti-poverty policy formulation appears largely to be due to the adoption of structural adjustment policies in the 1970s. The advocacy to reallocate state resources from welfare-oriented programmes to growth promotion programmes led to the reduction in welfare-oriented expenditure.The aim of this review is to enhance the existing data collecting system of poverty monitoring within existing structures at minimum additional costs, to ensure sustainability of these efforts.