This is a World Bank report. The report outlines strategic directions for re-forming social protection programmes to improve equity and facilitate economic growth. Examples of such “double dividend” policiesare discussed for all three areas of social protection: viz. by opening “good” jobs to underprivileged informal sector workers - improved labour market policies would not only level the playing field for these workers, but also facilitate the fulfilment of their potential, thereby enhancing the productive potential of the whole economy; by enabling widespread risk pooling - social insurance not only helps preserve the wellbeing of individuals, but also avoids the use of costly self-insurance, such as accumulating assets as a form of precautionary savings, and allows individuals to engage in more productive and higher risk/return production and; by linking cash transfers to investment in human development of children and enhancing income opportunities for the poor - social safety nets not only reduce poverty and vulnerability, but also enhance opportunities of the poor, thus helping the poor and making the economy more productive. The report also suggests that moving forward in this direction will require attention to the areas of financing of social protection, programme administration and garnering broad-based support for reforms.