Resource Library

Challenging the Professions

Frontiers for Rural Development

Chambers, R.

1993 | View More »

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Reluctant Partners

Non-Governmental Organizations, The State and Sustainable Agricultural Development

Farrington, John and Bebbington, Anthony et al.

1993 | View More »

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Behind the Market

Interviews Conducted in Kenya, Uganda and India Illustrate the Outcomes of Five Contrasting Strands of Research

Smith, Georgina

2005 | View More »

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Digital Story Telling


Lambbert, Joe

2010 | View More »

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Information Economy Report 2009

Trends and Outlook in Turbulent Times

2009 | View More »

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2008 | View More »

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Coastal Dynamic Lowlands

The Role of Water in the Development of the Netherlands: Past, Present, Future

1998 | View More »

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Digital Divide

Determinants and Policies with Special Reference to Asia

Quibria, M.G. and Ahmed, S.N. et al.

2002 | View More »

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Jeewa Wayuwa Pariharanayata Upades

Munasinghe, Sanjeewanie

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Proceedings of the Annual Session - 55

(29 November - 03 December, 1999) Part II - Presidential Addresses & Invited Lectures

2000 | View More »

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Research Convention 2005. Research for Sustainable Reforms in Vocational Training

A Tracer Study Relating to the Trainees Who Have Completed the National Diploma in Engineering Draughting Technology (NDEDT) Course Conducted by NITESL During 2001 & 2002

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Project Management for the 21st Century

Second Edition

Lientz, B.P. and Rea, K.P.

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Thaakshanavedeen Soyamu

Gramiya Sanwardhanayedi Sthreenge Ha Purushayange Kaaryabharaya Desa Navatha Baleemak

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Pedaling Out of Poverty

Social Impact of a Manual Irrigation Technology in South Asia

Shah, Tushaar and Alam, M. et al.

2000 | View More »

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Bridging the Gap

The Role of Monitoring and Evaluation in Evidence-Based Policy Making

2009 | View More »

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Country-Led Monitoring and Evaluation Systems

Better Evidence, Better Policies, Better Development Results

Adrien, Marie-Helene and Baer, Petteri et al.

2009 | View More »

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Contract Farming in Sri Lanka

Potential and Problems in Market Integration

Somaratne, W.G. and Ratnayake, R.M.

2004 | View More »

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