Resource Library

The Quality of Growth

Author : Thomas, Vinod and Dailami, Mansoor et al.

Publisher: Oxford University Press (OUP)

Place of Publish: USA, New York

Year: 2000

Page Numbers: 262

Acc. No: 1184

Class No: 338.9 QUA

Category: Books & Reports

Subjects: Development

Type of Resource: Monograph

Languages: English

ISBN: 0-19-521593-1

In most developing countries, at least 100 million more people are living in poverty today, than a decade ago. Despite prosperity for some, the quality of life has remained bleak for many. The quality of the factors contributing to growth requires fundamental attention if poverty is to be reduced and a better quality of life attained by all. This is the central theme of this book. This volume makes a compelling case for focusing on the policies and institutional dimensions of the elimination of poverty and quality of growth, and for doing so with country ownership and partnership among participants in the development process. Investing in people, sustaining natural resources, managing risks, and improving governance, are dimensions that lead to quality growth. It is more of such growth that can promote poverty reduction, environmentally and socially sustainable development, and an improved quality of life shared by all.