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The SAGE Dictionary of Social Research Methods

Regression Analysis

Publisher: SAGE Publications

Year: 2006

Page Numbers: Print ISBN: 9780761962977 Online ISBN: 9780857020116

Series: DOI: 10.4135/9780857020116

Acc. No: 729-S

Category: Soft Documents

Type of Resource: Evaluation, Variables

Languages: No

ISBN: English

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Regression analysis is a method by which quantitative social science seeks to establish how things are caused. The objectives are both scientific description and prediction. If we know the form of the relationship between things we have measured and know to be causal to something else, then we can predict the value of the caused thing. The relationship between independent and dependent variables is expressed through a regression equation. Logistic regression is a robust technique in which the dependent variable can be categorical or ordinal. The independent variables can be at any level of measurement and at different levels of measurement. Logistic regression can handle nonlinear relationships and gives us an indication of the likelihood of the dependent variable having a particular value. Source: The SAGE Dictionary of Social Research Methods: REGRESSION ANALYSIS