Resource Library

The World According to Me

An Interpretation of the Ordinary, the Common, and the Mundane

Author : Perera, Sasanka

Publisher: International Centre for Ethnic Studies (ICES)

Place of Publish: Sri Lanka, Colombo

Year: 1999

Page Numbers: 151

Acc. No: 1167

Class No: 303.6 PER-SL

Category: Books & Reports

Subjects: Conflict

Type of Resource: Monograph

Languages: English

ISBN: 955-580-035-9

This book is a compilation of essays, in which the author’s thoughts and ideas are exposed with the aid of accepted linguistic conventions. In order for a person to understand the wider world around him, he would have to be informed by numerous sources of information and discourses that have become a part of his lived experience. The author attempts to represent the world that he has seen, sensed, heard and listened to, the world that he has dreamt about and the world that he does not want to be apart of. The collections of writing are presented in the way the author sees and understands the world around him, based on his experiences and the limits of his perception. Hence the seemingly ego-centric title ‘The World According to Me.’