Resource Library

Lanka Monthly Digest (LMD)

An Ethical Approach to Tea

Compiler / Translator: Fernando, K. and Alles, R.

Publisher: Media Services (Pvt.) Ltd

Place of Publish: Sri Lanka, Colombo

Year: 2013

Series: 13-Apr

Acc. No: 222-J

Category: Journals

Languages: English

The article is a publication by the Centre for Poverty Analysis (CEPA), written by Karin Fernando, highlighting the need for a realistic way to sustain the tea industry. The tea industry in Sri Lanka is the largest industry, both in terms of local consumption and exports to foreign countries. However, more recently, it has slipped downwards and currently contributes to one percent of GDP. At a workshop by CEPA to discuss the challenges, it was found out that competition, managing labour efficiently and better use of technology are the key factors that could turn around the fortunes of the industry. While the tea industry is run by the private sector, all stakeholders are encouraged to play an active role in order to achieve success in furthering initiatives such as re-branding, catering to niche markets and improving quality.