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Sri Lanka

Recapturing Missed Opportunities

2000 | View More »

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Promoting the Millennium Development Goals in Asia and the Pacific

Meeting the Challenges of Poverty Reduction

2003 | View More »

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Lessons Learned During 12 Years of Wetland Work in Sri Lanka


Van Zon, J.C.J. and Samarakon, J.I. et al.

2003 | View More »

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Poverty Issues in Sri Lanka

Towards New Empirical Insights

2003 | View More »

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Perceptions of the Poor

Poverty Consultations in Four Districts of Sri Lanka

2001 | View More »

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Poverty Issues in Sri Lanka

Towards New Empirical Insights

2003 | View More »

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Sri Lanka Development Forum 2005

Background Papers

Ranaviraj, Tilak and Jayasinglie, M.S. et al.

2005 | View More »

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Multiple Benefits of Small Irrigation Tanks and Their Economic Value

A Case Study in the Kala Oya, Basin, Sri Lanka

Perera, H. D. B. S. and Vidanage, S. P. et al.

2005 | View More »

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The Alternatives Socialism or Barbarism

Collected Writings of G. V. S. De Silva

De Silva, G. V. S.

1988 | View More »

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1993 | View More »

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Sustainability of Development Projects

Basic Principles and Application in Practice

1991 | View More »

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