Resource Library

Lanka Monthly Digest (LMD)

The State Sector

2015 | View More »

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Institute of Development Studies Discussion Paper

Gains from Social Forestry: Lessons from West Bengal

Shah, T.

1988 | View More »

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Institute of Development Studies Discussion Paper

Industrialisation And World Trade: Ten Years After The Brandt Report

Singer, H.W

1989 | View More »

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Institute of Development Studies Discussion Paper

The State and Rural Development : Ideologies and an Agenda for the 1990s

Chambers, R.

1989 | View More »

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IDS Bulletin

Politics In Command?

1987 | View More »

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IDS Bulletin

Reassessing Third World Politics

1990 | View More »

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IDS Bulletin

Liberalization and the New Corruption

1996 | View More »

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IDS Bulletin

Politics In Development : Essays in Honour of Gordon White

1999 | View More »

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IDS Bulletin

Achieving Turnaround In Fragile States

2006 | View More »

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IDS Bulletin

Accountability: State Reform And Social Accountability

2008 | View More »

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Forced Migration Review

Tsunami: Learning from the Humanitarian Response.

2005 | View More »

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Forced Migration Review

Armed Non-State Actors and Displacement

2011 | View More »

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Forced Migration

States of Fragility

2013 | View More »

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Forced Migration

Afghanistan,s Displaced People: 2014 and Beyond.

2014 | View More »

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Environment & Urbanization

Towards Resilience and Transformation for Cities II

2014 | View More »

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2014 | View More »

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Economic Review

Consumer Protection & Fair Trading

2002 | View More »

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Economic Review

Goliyakaranaya - Abhiyogha Saha Avastha

2007 | View More »

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Economic Review

Globalization- Challenges & Opportunities

2007 | View More »

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Economic Review

Causes Effects and Controls

2009 | View More »

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