Resource Library

Ministry of Samurdhi

Annual Performance Report Year 2002

2002 | View More »

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Ministry of Samurdhi

Progress Programmes 2002-2003

2003 | View More »

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Ministry of Samurdhi

Progress Programmes 2003-2004

2003 | View More »

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Poverty and Youth

A Sociological Study of Youth Related to Poverty in Vavunia and Batticaloa

Siddhartan, M.

2003 | View More »

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Vision for Sri Lankan Youth

Final Report of the Vision for Sri Lankan Youth Programme

| View More »

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Landscapes of Malaiyaha Tamil Identity

A History of Ethnic Conflict in Sri Lanka: Recollection, Reinterpretation and Reconciliation

Bass, Daniel.

2001 | View More »

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Stories of Survivors

Socio-Political Contexts of Female Headed Households in Post-Terror Southern Sri Lanka

Perera, Sasanka

1999 | View More »

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Twins of Sri Lanka

Karunaratne, J.A.

2003 | View More »

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Cost of the war

The Economic, Socio - Political and Human Cost of the War in Sri Lanka

2001 | View More »

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Community Level Conflict

Case Studies. Experimental Research for Peace Building in Sri Lanka

2004 | View More »

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2001 | View More »

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Peace and Reconciliation

Marga Institute

2003 | View More »

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The Sixth Genre: Memory, History and the Tamil Diaspora Imagination

A History of Ethnic Conflict in Sri Lanka: Recollection, Reinterpretation and Reconciliation

Cheran, R.

2001 | View More »

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Landscapes of Malaiyaha Tamil Identity

A History of Ethnic Conflict in Sri Lanka: Recollection, Reinterpretation and Reconciliation

Bass, Daniel

2001 | View More »

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Tamil Nationalism

Nesiah, Devanesan

2001 | View More »

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Cost of the War

The Economic, Socio-Political and Human Cost of the War in Sri Lanka

2001 | View More »

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