Resource Library


Political Barometer

2013 | View More »

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Democracy and Governance

Reforming Local Government: Ideas for Better and More Democratic Local Government

Uyangoda, J.

2011 | View More »

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Making Sustainability the Next Metric

Post 2015 Sri Lankan Development Priorities

2015 | View More »

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Key Indicators of Crop Production and Livestock

Agriculture and Environment Statistics Division

2015 | View More »

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2014 | View More »

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Empowered Communities Make Greener Tomorrows

Peoples Report on Sustainabe Development

2012 | View More »

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Economic And Social Survey Of Asia And the Paciic 2016

Nuturing Productivity for inclusive Growth and Sustainable Development

2016 | View More »

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Integrated Assessment of Groundwater Use for Improving Livelihoods in the Dry Zone of Myanmar

Pavelic, P. Senaratna Sellamuttu, S., Johnston, R., et all.

2015 | View More »

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Progress for Children

Beyond Averages: Learning from the MDGS

2015 | View More »

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2014 | View More »

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Limits to Growth

The 30 Year Update

Meadows, D., Randersm J., Meadows, D.

2005 | View More »

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The End of Growth

Adapting to Our New Economic Reality

Heinberg, Richard

2011 | View More »

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Whose Sustainability Counts

BASIX's Long March From Microfinance to Livelihoods

Harper, M., Iyer, L., Rosser J.

2012 | View More »

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Living With The Environment

Promoting Sustainable Development in Asia and the Pacific

| View More »

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Sri Lanka State of the Economy 2015

Economic Reforms: Political Economy and Institutional Challenges

Weerakoon, D., Arunatilake, A., Bandara, S. et al.

2015 | View More »

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