Resource Library

Child Poverty in Sri Lanka

Remnant, Fiona and Abdul Cader, Azra et al.

2008 | View More »

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Adding Value to the Future

Applying Sustainable Economic Principles

2007 | View More »

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Informal Employment in Sri Lanka

Nature, Probability of Employment and Determinants of Wages

Gunatilaka, Ramani

2008 | View More »

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Thaakshanavedeen Soyamu

Gramiya Sanwardhanayedi Sthreenge Ha Purushayange Kaaryabharaya Desa Navatha Baleemak

| View More »

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Beyond Meditation, Negotiation and Negative Peace

Towards Transformative Peace in Sri Lanka

Uyangoda, Jayadeva

2003 | View More »

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2003 | View More »

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2009 | View More »

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Gender and Post-Tsunami Recovery

Attanapola, C. and Brun, C. et al.

2009 | View More »

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The Tsunami of 2004 in Sri Lanka

Affected Burgher Women of Dutch Bar, Batticaloa, Sri Lanka

Crusz, R.

2009 | View More »

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Development Dilemmas of Indian Origin Tamils in Sri Lanka

Politics and Violence in Relation to Human Security

Vijayanathan, L.

2007 | View More »

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2008 | View More »

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Community Level Conflict: Case Studies

Experimental Research for Peace Building in Sri Lanka

2004 | View More »

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A Gender Performance Indicator for Irrigation

Concepts, Tools and Application

Koppen, Barbara van

2002 | View More »

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The Sri Lankan Children,s Challenge!

Let,s Listen to Children,s Ideas and Take Their Opinions Seriously

2002 | View More »

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The Art of War

Tzu, Sun

2005 | View More »

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A Right to Peace

The Situation of Women and Children in Sri Lanka

Stalker, Peter

2003 | View More »

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